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[News]President Xi Visited Boeing Assembly Line


 President Xi Jinping delivers speech at Boeing in Everett, Washington, on September 23, 2015.

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Boeing Co. on September 23 in Everett, Washington, on his official visit to the U.S., unveiling the first business deal worth $ 38 billion.
Boeing Co. Chief Executive Raymond L. Conner, who later gave President Xi a tour to the assembly line, greeted the President.
"The Boeing Co. has long been a supporter of the business cooperation between China and the United States," said President Xi Jinping in a speech addressed to the factory staff. "You are an excellent example of the win-win business cooperation between China and the United States."
Since the start of this year about a quarter of all the Boeing 737 planes are sold to China. Boeing confirmed Wednesday that it would establish a 737 jet completion and delivery center in China, and announced orders of 300 jets from Chinese companies. The contract was the first business deal revealed on President Xi Jinping’s first official state visit to the U.S..
"There is a Chinese saying goes like this. When the river rises all the tributaries will be filled. As long as the China-U.S. relations stays well. American companies including Boeing will be even better equipped to cooperate with China," President Xi commented on the scene.

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